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Preview — Sara Learns the Secret about the Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

(Sara #1)

This book offers you, the reader, a thoughtful and inspired formula for generating appreciation, happiness, and good feelings—deftly blended into the uplifting story of a plucky, inquisitive girl named Sara; and her teacher, an ethereal owl named Solomon.
There’s something in Sara for any child, adult, or teen pursuing joy and meaning . . . and searching for answers about l
Published April 1st 2007 by Hay House (first published April 1st 1995)
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May 25, 2011pegah rated it it was amazing
sweet and heart warming
Aug 20, 2015Robin rated it liked it
This didactic book about law of attraction is the story about Sara, an ordinary girl with the usual problems, such as disruptive siblings, parents who worry about her, and limited unscheduled time to just relax and be. She does what most of us do about problems. She gets annoyed with her brother, adds to her parents’ worrying by worrying herself, and is resentful of intrusions upon her time and space. She feels most relaxed and happy when in nature. After an encounter with a wise owl while revel..more
May 12, 2013Daniel Smith rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Apr 07, 2018Amber M. McCarter rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is - no surprise, given the source - excellent. I am so excited for my kids to read this, and see these concepts we are always chatting about confirmed in the words of others. And this breaks it down into simple, doable chunks that they can put directly into practice, along with very child friendly context to make even more sense if it. Very pleased to have discovered these!
Jan 25, 2009Nina rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Dieses Buch hat mir ein Freund zum Lesen gegeben als es mir nicht gut ging. Dieses Buch hat wohl schon vielen Menschen geholfen, aber ich sehe das etwas kritisch:
Sara hat Probleme in der Schule, sie wird ständig von ihrem Bruder und seinem Freund geärgert und sie versteht nicht, warum die Menschen so gemein sind. Eines Tages trifft sie auf die weise Eule Salomon, die ihr wertvolle Ratschläge gibt und ihr Stück für Stück zeigt, wie sie glücklich werden kann.
In diesem Buch steckt wirklich viel Wei
This book was. amazing! Not just for children but for adults too. I love Esther, Jerry and Abraham's teaching and how it was illustrated in a story was a powerful way to understand it and have fun reading and learning about it. I loved Solomon! And the part where he says that most beings community ate without words. The day before I finished I found a lizard. I felt like it was my very own Solomon : D I hadn't seen one since I was younger - my brother and I used to catch them and keep them for a..more
Feb 01, 2010Jennifyre Ziegler rated it it was amazing
I feel as though everyone in the universe should read these books. Whats more after you read them you should find the closest child to you and start reading this series to them!!!
I have no children of my own.you know I'm everybody's favorite auntie and a godmother to boot, I have worked with kids my whole life and read hundreds of books for children. I have never seen a series of books that makes so much sense and is such a joyful clear message for children and adults.
If you do read this ser
Apr 25, 2014Naomi Louise rated it it was amazing
Sara, did you notice, that as long as you were talking about what you 'didn't' want, that you couldn't get what you 'did' want? But when you began talking about what you did want- even more important, when you were able to begin 'feeling' what you did want- then it came instantly?
I can't believe I've waited so long to read this!! Page 48 & I'm truly loving this..
This book was amazing! I've read lots of Jerry & Esther Hicks however the way this is told in a story like way was truly bril
Sep 06, 2015Sarah ♥ dog crazy ♥ rated it liked it · review of another edition
This was a short, nice read.
I really liked Salomon but I'm not sure I can agree with everything that was sad. Some, well most people do evil things and I can't just be fine with that.
The authors also weren't really subtle with their messages. So they could have just written a non-fiction book about the laws of attraction etc. and a different story about Sara and the owl.

Bill Hicks Pdf

Apr 19, 2016Piona247 rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
It just perfect, gonna purchase Sara book 2
Its more practical with daily life, reading how lil girl getting to understand and know all bout well being :) makes me understand and know more about well being and practice it
Dec 23, 2010Heather rated it it was amazing
not just for kids! Great way to 'get' the concepts.
Feb 24, 2019Barbara rated it liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: g-kj-literatur, t-psycho-lebenshilfe, t-trauer-sterben-tod
Kindergerecht wird hier das Gesetz der Anziehung erklärt. Die Schülerin Sara, am Anfang eher eine Einzelgängerin, die sich über ihren kleinen Bruder ärgert und in der Schule unglücklich ist, trifft die Eule Salomon, die sie mit einer anderen Art zu denken bekannt macht. In kleinen Schritten, trotz gelegentlichen Frustrationen und auch nach Salomons Tod, findet Sara einen Weg zu mehr Lebensfreude.
Ich würde das Buch jederzeit weiterempfehlen, auch interessierten Erwachsenen. Warum dann nur drei St
Dec 15, 2018Susan rated it it was amazing
A cute little story about a young introverted girl who meets a beautiful white owl who quickly becomes her much needed best friend, teacher and confidante. With his love and patience, she learns the truth about life and the Law of Attraction. 'A constant steady stream of well-being flows to you at all times and in any moment you are allowing it or resisting it'. Through Sara's thoughts and experiences, the reader is taken back to their childhood days, when their hopes and dreams were once very s..more
May 19, 2019Abhishek Singh rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
First of all, it's not a book meant ONLY for kids. Everyone should read this book to have some mental peace in their life. It actually opens a new perspective of thinking towards life.
Sara's doubts are so genuine and practical that during the entire reading there has to have some examples from your own life that you can relate with the situation described in book. I am definitely gonna read it time to time so that I can have thoughts aligned.
All Hail Solomon !!!
Sep 19, 2017David Freudenburg rated it it was ok
This story for children explains the philosophy, concepts and techniques which are in the adult book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne. It is well-written and at the appropriate level for children. I am skeptical of some of the concepts, but some of it is good advice for good living.
Mar 08, 2018Yazaid Ahmed rated it it was amazing · review of another edition

Ley De Atraccion Esther Y Jerry Hicks Pdf

A lot of fun
This book solved a lot of internal issues and unresolved questions that I have had including fear of old age and why evil exists on earth. It is a fun read and it is for the child in everyone of us.
Sep 17, 2018Anneke Vogelsang rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Valuable information
I would recommend this book to the whole family, so many valuable information and easy to apply to your daily life. What a wonderful world this would be if we all could just follow these easy steps!
Aug 28, 2017Andre Ronesen rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Great book for the entire family.
I find my self using this book to lift my mood and make me feel better.
I also use it for good night stories, for my 6 year old.
I look forward to start reading the next book in the series.
Am learning on my journey about the Law of Attraction and realize that when you come to new things through the eyes of a child - open and non-judgmental - concepts can be easier to grasp. I plan on reading all three Sara books!
Very nice book, easy to read, and Spiritual.
I need to read it again.. beautiful story!
Feb 14, 2018Isabella May rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Wonderfully uplifting!
A brilliant little book for adults - as well as children. Clever and precise narration makes for a powerful portrayal of law of attraction in action.
I enjoyed this book.. beautiful and inspirational.
I love the gentle guiding through ending the chain of pain.
Jan 23, 2019Christiana Stephanou rated it it was amazing
I wish I had read this when I was 12 it's a must read for all children and adults of course!!!
Feb 26, 2018Zuzana rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Zatím jsem si knihu poslechla pouze já. Jsem zvědavá, jak se bude líbit dceři. (Doufám, že tak jako mně :).)
skvělá kniha na zamyšlení))
Mar 21, 2017A.J. DeJong rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Loved it
I really enjoyed this book! Even though it was written for children, I loved the story, the language and beautiful lessons being emphasized.
Mar 14, 2017Cassidy C rated it it was amazing
Who is your favorite character and why?
Probably the owl because he is really nice and he also taught me some things too!
-What surprised you most?
That her brother and her brothers friend shot the owl!!!!
-Would you change the ending? Why/why not?
No, I would not because I really like how Sara is different now and has learned things from the owl and not just thinking about her own thoughts or self!
I can't wait to read the next one!
Oct 29, 2010Kyra rated it it was ok
Sara meets an owl that teaches her that there is no death, that she can change her life through positive thinking, and about the mysterious Law of Attraction (a concept written about in the early 1900s by William Walker Atkinson). Sara is an adorable character. She starts off slightly bitter and not so friendly with her little brother, but as she starts to practice the principles that her owl friend, Solomon, discusses with her, she sees her life improve right before her very eyes. She is so exc..more
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Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and best-selling author. She has co-authored nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presents workshops on the Law of Attraction and appeared in the first release of the film The Secret. The Hickses' books, including the best-selling series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — Channelled from a group of non-physical entities ca..more
Sara(3 books)
“Sara, your work is not to look for the perfect place where only the things you want exist. Your work is to look for the things you want in every place.” — 7 likes
“When you're able to acknowledge that many people are choosing different things; they believe differently; they want differently; they act differently, and when you understand that all of that adds to a more perfect whole, and that none of that threatens you-because the only thing that affects you is what you're doing with your own valve-then you move about freely and joyously.” — 0 likes
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Preview — The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther Hicks

This leading-edge book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, will help you understand the emotions that you’ve been experiencing all of your life. Instead of the out-of-control, knee-jerk reactions that most people have to their ever-changing life experience, this work will put those responses into a broader context. You’l..more
Published September 4th 2007 by Hay House (first published 2007)
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Feb 12, 2019Heidi The Reader rated it liked it
Shelves: channeled-book, non-fiction, know-thyself
'Beyond the five physical senses that you are actively aware of, there is another less-realized sense — the sense of emotion.' pg 20
Esther Hicks channeled this book from her 'higher self,' an entity she calls Abraham. It is about how one can deliberately create their experience by being aware of their emotions. It also gives advice on how to focus on those things that make you feel good, because by doing so, Hicks believes it will 'bring you into alignment' with your higher being. And, therefore
Oct 29, 2010Kyra rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Curl up one night and pick up this book to hear soothing words about how you can be, do, or have anything and how perfect and wonderful you are.. Enter a magical land where entities of the nonphysical dimension enchant you and tell you all the things you could want to hear.. Surrender your critical thinking skills and open your mind to the possibility of solely listening to your emotions for guidance.. You are getting sleepy..very sleepy.. Let The Astonishing Power of Emotions take you on a..more
Jun 17, 2015Treo rated it did not like it · review of another edition
**NOTE, this is an abbreviated version of my too-lengthy original review. In the original, I get very specific about the negative consequences of this material. So if you’re struggling with this ideology or starting to question things, please go to my blog for the full version: Responsible Spirituality (there’s a link on my profile or just google it). The original review is posted there, plus great comments from other ex-followers.**
These teachings do seem great and feel great at first, but even
There is not one book written by Esther and Jerrmy Hicks that I could rate under 10 stars. But then again, it will not be for many people I know. If it is for you, you will feel the same way, and you will be comprehending your Vortex.
I recommend this book for anyone who has genuinely struggled with religion in their lives, and is called to that which is the much bigger picture. THis book can speak worlds if you are ready to receive it!
I cannot be greatful enough to have picked up this series of
Mar 08, 2008PdfAngela rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Anyone interested in the The Law of Attraction
I'm a huge fan of Esther and Jerry Hicks and the teachings of Abraham. I've read Ask and is Given, subscribe to Abraham-Hicks monthly CD's and have watched The Secret. I truly believe we can be, do, or have anything we want. The challenge is learning how to keep yourself feeling good, going with the flow, totally allowing all that you desire to manifest. This book really helps put into practice The Art of Allowing.
Sep 25, 2009David Hooper rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I've read a lot of books in this subject (power of thought) and this is one of the best. Looked at things from a different, yet familiar perspective. Also give about 30 common issues you may be facing in your life, from death of a parent, to breakup of a relationship, and shows a strategy for dealing with these things.
This book is along the lines of 'The Secret' but much deeper. If you're looking for the real nuts and bolts of how the Law of Attraction works, I recommend this book.
What a good book to start the year. I love it.
Mar 30, 2019Zohreh Samiei rated it really liked it
به این کتاب بیشتر از چهار می دهم، کتابیست که تو را متوجه جریان زندگی و در جهت جریان بودن می کند، به تو یاداوری می کند که بیش از تصورت قدرتمندی، قانون پذیرش و عدم مقاومت را یاداوری می کند، در کل لذت بردم، در هر حال باید بدنبال آرامش و آسایش خود باشیم آنگاه همه چیز درست می شود 😌
Feb 22, 2019Noor Abu Hassan rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Nov 10, 2018Vijita verma rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Follow up reads
This book has been written with its point of attraction kept in mind. For me it was more of revising my audios of Abraham and something I can store for revisions everytime I want to refer back..
Mar 12, 2018Robin rated it it was amazing
While this is the 8th Abraham-Hicks book I’ve reviewed, it is also one of my favorites. Ask and It is Given is an excellent introduction to the Abraham material, and The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent features many exercises or games to improve your life, but the strength of The Astonishing Power of Emotions is its simplicity. At any point in life, on any subject, we are either sailing along smoothly or putting up resistance, and this book employs the simple analogy of heading downstream or..more
Jan 17, 2010mark rated it it was amazing
Shelves: nonfiction, relationships, mental-health
I think this is the real deal. I also think many readers misunderstand what it is that is being said. As i understand it: The point is--you are where you are and you must acknowledge that accurately (there are ways to do this) and once understood you then, and only then, have a choice. You can choose to feel better or worse .. but only incrementally. It is a process. If you choose to feel better, say feeling hatred and rage over despair and hopelessness--you are headed in the right direction. I..more
As always, the Abraham-Hicks collaboration has co-created a wonderful reference for those who are looking for a better understanding of how to allow the manifestation of those things we desire. This edition offers an introduction to the Law of Attraction, with some supporting information on the Art of Allowing and the Science of Deliberate Intent in the early part.
The majority of the book is a Q and A with Abraham--each question and answer filling a chapter. Abraham-Hicks give suggestions for d
Aug 24, 2016L.L. rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: esoterism-spiritual-development, i-own, w-pracy
Zacząłem już dawno, po kilku stronach jakoś się nie mogłem zabrać dalej, potem postanowiłem dokończyć i większość przeczytałem na przerwach w pracy, dziś w domu dokończyłem.. Jest to świetna książka jako taka pomóc w pozbyciu się przygnębiających myśli, tzn. w tym sensie że omawia poszczególne przypadki (brak pieniędzy, choroba, nieporozumienia w rodzinie) i po kolei analizuje myśli jakie się wtedy ma, a także jak można je przekształcić żeby poczuć się lepiej. I uważam, że to jest świetne, nawe..more
Jul 01, 2018Ala Eddine SASSI rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
حقًّا هذا الكتاب العظيم يجب أن يكون دليلاً حاضرًا في كل فترة من فترات حياتي منذ هذا الحين.
سوف تملك ما تريد، و تصبح ما تريد بالسماح لما أنت عليه أن يكون كما هو.
إذا سمحت لنفسك أن تكون على ما هي عليه دون مقاومة. ستفتح المجال للتغيير.
في حين أنّ المعارضة تغلق عليك أبواب تحقيق رغباتك.
إن الله تعالى قد شاء أن تكون قوانين الكون أبدية ما دامت السماوات والأرض، لذلك حين نقول 'إن شاء الله' فإن هذا عين ما يتحدث عنه هذا الكتاب، فالله قد شاء أن تكون هذه القوانين فعّالة في كل زمان ومكان.
كتاب عظيم حقّا رغم عدم وض
Jun 09, 2009Molly rated it really liked it
This book teaches that, wherever we are, we can choose thoughts that feel a little better or a little worse. Abraham/Hicks says if you choose the slightly better feeling thought it makes all the difference.
The book is full of scenarios where we see the progression from awful feeling thoughts to less awful to better feeling. At each juncture there was a sense of relief. I found it helpful and doable.
Like the other books in this series, this book is about monitoring what you think and feel to reflect less resistance to current circumstances, in order to attract what you truly desire. They use the analogy of rowing a canoe downstream, instead of upstream to illustrate the feeling of allowing one's thoughts and emotions to 'flow' without resistance to what is happening at any given moment.
Jan 07, 2014Aisha rated it it was ok · review of another edition
2 stars in the sense that it was ok. I really really like much of what they have to say! particularly the upstream/downstream . but it gets absurd at some points plus I'm not thrilled with the channeling bit of the whole thing.
Jun 01, 2018Connie Sadowinski rated it really liked it
It’s a book touches on how important it is to really pay attention to how we feel. I enjoyed this book by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Mar 16, 2014Nic's Notebook rated it really liked it
The first book that actually made the 'Law of Attraction' make sense to me!
Sep 03, 2018Faten rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
انصح بقراءة جميع كتبهم لانهم يعطونكم ماده وتطبيق عملي لها 👌🏼❤..more
Dec 18, 2017Zoe rated it it was ok · review of another edition
I started reading about this subject because of a post from a friend a few weeks ago. She talked about positive thinking and how she has benefited from it. I read her post a few times and decided to learn more about what she was talking about.
So I came upon Esther Hicks and her late husband's/partner's publications. I am still trying to decide what I truly feel about it but it kind of makes sense to me. This is the second book I read from them and it isn't a great introduction to their way of t
May 25, 2019Hilary Whatley rated it really liked it
A good explanation of the law of attraction concept. I take the whole 'Abraham' idea with a grain of salt (to be honest it almost stopped me from reading the book entirely - and I was a little embarrassed to be reading a book like this). This comes across as cult-ish (although I think what she is talking about is the inner voice (higher self) we can access through meditation/dreams). However, since the rest of the book still seemed fascinating (to me), I decided to read it anyways.
I loved the vi
Gosh this book has sat on my shelf for two years but I downloaded an audio version. If I had something else to listen to in the car perhaps I would have turned it off.
So glad I didn’t through the light hearted humour it kept me listening and I could view so many examples in my life that require improvement.
. Recommend if you enjoy Law of Attraction or the secret. I wouldn’t recommend if that isn’t your cup
Of tea.
Though life isn’t always about thought as many believe. We do come across blocks
Jun 16, 2017Ada rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Alright I love Abraham-Hicks and Esters and Jerrys publications as they always enlighten me and lifts me up by bringing some light to anything I want. The astonishing power of emotions is pretty much this, a guide to our guiding system if you know what I mean.
Very useful to learn more and understand this inner guide we all have and I'm just rendezvoused on how perfectly timed the universe has been on leading me to these resources of information bringing more clarity into my life.
Always pleased
Aug 10, 2017Alejandro Magallanes rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Abraham always makes things so simple, and no matter how difficult a person might want to make their existence, we all have something inside of us affirming, 'Yup. That's exactly how life works.' About 75% of the book gives examples of how to follow your emotions toward a pleasant downstream path to accomplishment and joy. The first 25% of the book are blueprint on how the system works. This is helpful to all of humanity. Makes me proud that I'm published under the umbrella of Hay House.
I have been following Esther and jerry hick’s books from quite some time now. They have helped me to look at life beyond religion. I must say ,I have evolved as a Person through these books. These books helped be to introspect my life and helped me in becoming conscious of my thoughts and emotions. I have become more joyful, stronger and confident because of the teachings in books. I am grateful that I came across these books...more
This book was very 'Ah-ha' for me, reading things I already know and just needed the reminder, but also just being able to adjust my thinking was nice. I needed the step back and view of where I am, where I was and where I want to be and how life, others, and how my own actions are impacting the day (the world.. etc).
I'm sure I'll read this again.
Aug 29, 2017Yazaid Ahmed rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Heart soothing
As esther always got me used to. A wise woman whose words reassure you to just relax and everything will work out which makes sense. I tried worrying and rushing things and none of that helped.
Esther advice makes perfect sense.
All of the Abraham Hicks books are exceptional :)
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Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker and best-selling author. She has co-authored nine books with her husband Jerry Hicks, presents workshops on the Law of Attraction and appeared in the first release of the film The Secret. The Hickses' books, including the best-selling series The Law of Attraction, are — according to Esther Hicks — Channelled from a group of non-physical entities ca..more
“stop talking about the things that are bothering you so much.” — 28 likes
“You always know more clearly what you do want when you are faced with what you do not want. But whether you are consciously aware of it or not, all day, every day, you are giving birth to new desires that are being born from the details of the life you are living out on the Leading Edge of thought.” — 10 likes
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